About Us

Compliments, Complaints and Feedback

At Willow Burn Hospice we are committed to providing the highest quality of care and service to our patients, their families, donors, fundraisers, supporters and customers. If we don't meet your expectations or we exceed them, we want to know about. We welcome all feedback and recognise this is essential to continuous improvement for any of the services we provide at Willow Burn Hospice.

If you would like to contact us with a compliment, complaint or feedback, you can do so via email at: info@willowburnhospice.org.uk or call: 01207 529 224

Written complaints can be made to the Head of Clinical Services or Director of Operations at: Willow Burn Hospice, Howden Bank, Lanchester, County Durham, DH7 0QS.

You can download the Willow Burn Complaints Policy here: download

Helen McArdle In-Patient Wing Feedback

Sir Tom Cowie Day Services Feedback

Family Support Feedback

Healthwatch County Durham gather views and experiences of local people
They can report to commissioners about what you think about the services they are paying for. They pass on findings to the Care Quality Commission and Healthwatch England

Freephone contact number: 0800 3047 039 / healthwatchcountydurham@pcp.uk.net

CQC - Good Care? Poor Care?
Contact: 03000 616161 / enquiries@cqc.co.uk

Your Stories