It’s fun! Raising money or getting involved in a charity involves so many different things. You meet new people, experience new things and get to give back to your community. You have the chance to think of any event or activity that you would like to do in aid of us. We are here to support you!
Anyone who has ever had a sick relative or lost a family member or friend knows how difficult it is to go through that process. At Willow Burn we aim to treasure the lives of those patients going through that personally but also offer a place where families and friends can get support and know they are not alone.
Getting involved in Willow Burn doesn’t just mean raising funds, it can mean whatever you want it to mean. Whether that is volunteering at the hospice itself, volunteering at events or simply purchasing an Everlasting Leaf as a remembrance of a loved one. Everyone who becomes involved in Willow Burn becomes part of our family and is supported every step of the way.
People in the community rely on our service and without volunteers, donations and people willing to get involved with us, we can’t exist. If you would like to help Willow Burn in any of the ways mentioned contact Ali at: