Willow Burn Hospice


Frequently Asked Questions

All of our frequently asked questions, regarding the hospice can be found below. If you still need assistance, or want to find out more about Willow Burn Hospice, please contact us today.

Where is Willow Burn?

Willow Burn is located on Howden Bank within the Lanchester Rise estate. Head towards Howden Bank and upon arrival turn into Lanchester Rise. Follow the signs to Willow Burn which are located throughout the site. The car park is located to the left of the building.

How are referrals made to Willow Burn?

Referrals are made to Willow Burn, following an assessment of your needs by a healthcare professional. If they consider that Willow Burn are the best provider to meet you needs, they will make a direct referral to the hospice. Your healthcare professional will be aware of the criteria when making a referral, this may include management of your symptoms, relieving a crisis and for end of life care. Admissions are expected for a period of up to 15 days.

Do you have to be religious to be at Willow Burn?

Absolutely not. Willow Burn are inclusive of all religions/cultures/ races and anybody is welcome to come and receive care from us.

What age do you have to be to be cared for at Willow Burn?

Willow Burn admits patients that are over the age of 18.

Do you just come here if you have cancer?

No. Willow Burn cares for patients that have a variety of problems and needs. We do get Cancer referrals but we have a wide range of patients who have different problems. Only 30% of people that come to Willow Burn come here for end of life care. Others come for respite and symptom control or for our day hospice service.

Is Willow Burn just a place for end of life care?

No, not at all. Willow Burn is a happy, loving and compassionate place where people can come to relax and get symptom control or respite, not just end of life care.

What is the guidance for visiting patients at Willow Burn?

You can download the Helen McArdle Wing Visitor Guidance here: download